This week, for Plant Tip Tuesday...
We are talking about Tillandsia. Also known as Air Plants, these adorable little plants are living plants that don’t require soil to grow. They are a type of plant called Epiphytes which are plants that grow on other plants for support in nature. They do not harm or take nutrients from the support plant. Tillandsias love a bright filtered light, avoiding hot direct sunlight.
These unique plants don’t grow in soil so they take their moisture from the air. In nature they grow in areas with high humidity. This means it's especially important that we help them get moisture in our dry Saskatchewan homes.
Here’s how to water your Tillandsia:
- Fully submerge the plant in tepid water for no longer than 10 seconds. Too long of a soak could result in crown rot.
- Set the plant upside down to dry for 2 – 4 hours, make sure there is no water sitting in between the leaves.
- Once dry place back into it’s container.
- Water once a week.