This week, on Plant Tip Tuesday...
Are you someone who enjoys cleaning, or does it feel like a chore? Either way, we're here to stress the importance of keeping your plants CLEAN!
Like everything in our home and offices, plants can also get dusty! But dust on plant leaves is perhaps more detrimental than people think. Not only does it make plants look dull, but a layer of dust on leaves can clog the stomata. These are the pores on the leaf surface that are responsible for gas exchange, which is vital for photosynthesis.
Dusty leaves can also inhibit light absorption. Keeping your plants clean is especially important for plants in low light as they need as much light energy as they can get.
Plants with broad leaves are easily wiped down with a damp sponge or microfiber cloth. Smaller foliage can be lightly misted to get rid of dust if they are species that can have water sprayed on its leaves. For plants that don’t like wet leaves such as tomentose (or fuzzy) foliage or Cacti and Succulents, a small paint brush or pipe cleaner can be used to brush the dust off.
This easy maintenance practice will certainly contribute to Happy Plants!