This week, for Plant Tip Tuesday...
We're covering one of the most common critters to find on your indoor house plants - spider mites.
Spider mites are itty-bitty, quick-moving arachnids that can reproduce prolifically, thriving in warm and dry environments. You may not spot them at first glance, but they leave behind a visible, thin silky webbing, typically on the underside of leaves, along the mid rib.
Some other signs that could indicate the presence of spider mites are:
- leaf drop
- a lightened, mottled leaf appearance
- distorted new growth
Examples of plants that are especially susceptible are:
- Ivy
- Hibiscus
- Jasmine
- Palms
- Crotons
- Birds of Paradise
Spider mites are treatable!
- Start by assessing your plants to determine treatment feasibility
- Disinfect the area and isolate the affected plant
- Shower the foliage with a good stream of tepid water.
- Once dry, apply a thorough spray of insecticidal soap, then treat the soil with diatomaceous earth.
- Mist regularly, and repeat this treatment every two weeks until there are no further signs of insect activity.